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How to keep motivation constant?

Since the beginning of humanity, there are always ups and downs in life and motivation. It's like part of human life. Always brooding up about to remain motivated, but atavism also plays its role parallel as usual. When we heard, listen, see and think about motivational thoughts, actions, incidents, stories, movies, etc. we really become motivated and got fire in our belly to everything at a time. We feel like if someone asks me to drink an entire ocean though I am ready to do that. But do you think it remains all the while? We are not able to stay with the same feelings all the while. That is not strange but its normal temperament of all humanity that is happening to everyone, not for one or specific.
Because No one wants to get demotivated ever in life, No one wants to get frustrated or depressed, though it happens in life, there is some reason for that, why we are not able to stay motivated all the while.
Why we lose our motivation?
1. Irregularity in motivational drugs. 
Motivation is like intoxicants and drugs that you need to take regularly each and every day. Once you take it then it's tough to stay without it, it means if you take it regularly then only it will show its effect. You can also consider it like taking a bath every day, you tool bath today though you do it regularly because to stay clean physically you always required it.

2. Disturbance in our memory

We are human with short term memory and long term memory, we have a habit to forget many things without doing anything about it. Even we can not remember everything all the time, that is the limitations or problems of our memory that we can only remember those things in which we are more involved. Hence whatever we read, listen, see, think that stays for a particular time then start to wipe ours from the brain.

3. Inner and Outer distractions

Once we decide to start something there are many voices also raised around you. There are many people out there who start to talk about it negatively and opposite suggestions can create a dilemma in your mind. Even your mind, temperament and lack of risk-taking personality can make you atavistic. There are always outer and inner factors start to push you back by saying that you are not prepared, you are not ready, you are not enough knowledge, you will be failed. These talks and voices never allow you to go ahead.

How you can remain constant in motivation?
1. Create Reminders

As we talked about the natural behaviour or temperament of human to forget many things all the while. A human can not keep everything in working memory whatever he has listened, watched, spoken or thought till he doesn't put it into practice or action. we need to continuously give commands to the brain that what are you doing, what exactly you want and why are you born. Constant reminders are always required if we don't want to lose our hope.

Create reminders around you. Like you can always ask your friends, colleagues, family members, relatives to give you reminders that what you wanna do in your life. 

You can create notes, audios, videos, sticky notes in your gadgets, living area, working area or even in your transportation routes. That will always stay in front of your eyes which make you more conscious about your dream.

2. Avoid or Remove distractions from your life.

There are several people and situations out there to wash your way. Those are always ready to fall you down. In this mortal world, there are many delusions are there, that will attract you towards it and turn your way in the wrong direction. That way may lead you to forget about your dream and purpose of your life. Bad habits, Bad people and Bad actions or deeds can create the wrong turn of your life. Once if you start to walk on that way it may be possible that you will lose everything or it may create a delay to reach your dream. Hence before distractions destroy you or your dream, you destroy the distractions.
3. Stick to your Dream

There should be no moment of your life which is without your ambition. Each and every moment you need to feel and look at your goal and ambition which emphasises on the purpose of your life. There could be obstacles like family problems, economical issues, relation problems, health issues which stop you from while. That is obvious situations that can keep you stay from your dream. But if you are only envisioned to your goal, situations will automatically create the ways towards your dream. It can be resolved all problems by taking proper decisions and positive efforts. Otherwise, nothing can let you down to reach your dream.

Rise up and Shine !!!


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