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Showing posts with the label society

Biased Mentality of Human

“The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” The human mind is a complex entity that is capable of many things. It can reason, analyse, interpret, and create. But, at the same time, it is also prone to biases. These biases can affect our judgment, decision-making, and actions. Bias is the tendency to favour one thing over another, often without good reason. Biases are rooted in our experiences, beliefs, and cultural background. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why humans have biased minds. Reasons for Biased Minds Evolutionary Heritage Humans have evolved over millions of years, and during this time, they have developed certain biases that have helped them survive. For example, the confirmation bias is a natural tendency to seek out information that confirms our beliefs and ignore information that contradicts them. This bias may have been useful for our ancestors, who needed to make quick decisions in dangerous situations. Socialisation Humans are social anima...

Psychology of Relations

"Each relations develops a quality or flaw in you." The psychology of relations is a fascinating and complex topic that explores the dynamics of human relationships, how they form and evolve, and how they impact our lives. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of the psychology of relations, including attachment theory, communication, conflict resolution, and intimacy. Attachment Theory Attachment theory is a psychological framework that explores the formation and evolution of relationships, particularly parent-child relationships. The theory was developed by John Bowlby, a British psychiatrist, and Mary Ainsworth, an American psychologist, in the mid-twentieth century. According to attachment theory, children form attachments to their primary caregivers, usually their parents, in order to satisfy their basic needs for security, comfort, and protection. The quality of these attachments can have a significant impact on the child's emotional and psychological...