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Showing posts with the label Concentration

How to keep motivation constant?

Since the beginning of humanity, there are always ups and downs in life and motivation. It's like part of human life. Always brooding up about to remain motivated, but atavism also plays its role parallel as usual. When we heard, listen, see and think about motivational thoughts, actions, incidents, stories, movies, etc. we really become motivated and got fire in our belly to everything at a time. We feel like if someone asks me to drink an entire ocean though I am ready to do that. But do you think it remains all the while? We are not able to stay with the same feelings all the while. That is not strange but its normal temperament of all humanity that is happening to everyone, not for one or specific. Because No one wants to get demotivated ever in life, No one wants to get frustrated or depressed, though it happens in life, there is some reason for that, why we are not able to stay motivated all the while. Why we lose our motivation? 1. Irregularity in motivational drugs

What is Superconscious / Samadhi ?

Samadhi, get inside !! Samadhi is a commonly used Sanskrit word which means - a state of meditation in which external consciousness disappears. It is considered as the last step of meditation or spiritual life. Therefore, it is important to understand the proper meaning of this word. In fact, it is a Sanskrit word. The word 'samadhi' is originally derived from the word 'dha', which means - to keep, to establish, to present, to give up or to leave. Similarly, the word 'Samadhi' has the meaning - to unite, cherish, union, finish, concentrate, meditate, or compromise. By the way, in the spiritual life, 'Samadhi' is called the state of meditation when both the meditator and the meditator are merged, united, there is no difference between them. Then there is no thought process at this stage. It is considered as the most noteworthy condition of contemplation. Samadhi is the best condition of a quiet personality. Also, it is considered as the mos

What is Meditation?

Meditation is an ordinarily utilised Sanskrit word which intends to get concentrated. These days, both the individuals who have faith in God and the individuals who don't have confidence in it, its pattern and significance are expanding. Along these lines, it is essential to comprehend the best possible significance of this word. Most importantly, this is a Sanskrit word. As effectively expressed. Presently since Sanskrit itself is an old-style language like other old dialects ​​of the world - Greek, Latin and Persian. Along these lines, as other old-style dialects, most words in Sanskrit are gotten from the root or root.  The word 'Meditation' is predominantly made out of two words 'dhi' and 'yan'. 'Dhi' signifies - consideration, Meditation, aid or want. Also, 'yan' signifies - a street, an adventure, a band, takeoff, ride, carriage, vehicle or ship. That is, the word 'reflection', made up of both the words 'd

Meditation In Noise

Problem to do meditation in a noisy atmosphere The current era is full of disturbance with so much noise around us. People are complaining about it while they get suggestions to do meditation to get peace.  They get distracted due to lots of disturbance in the environment and they drop the idea of meditation and eventually, they again suffer the same problems.  How to deal with this problem? Now, this scenario is normal in day to day life hence it may be possible that we can not get a peaceful place or environment all the while. We need to develop the technique or process to use noise for our meditation. Suppose we are sitting in a room, garden or anywhere where we found lots of noise around us and they are loud enough that we can not listen to meditation music or mantra. In this situation, we will use that noise as a meditation tool. How? Suppose there is machinery running with louder noise continuously, then focus on that noise only and do normal breathing. As it

Number Meditation

"Meditation is the secret of all growth in spiritual life and knowledge." Do you want more focus on your activities? It's not convenient all the time. On a Indian soil, there are more methods for meditation than sand crystals. Understanding where to start can be daunting. Where/What are you going to start? You might not have found the silver bullet yet. The one strategy the takes the mind and soul to the deep blue waters of limitless consciousness. It's tough for the novice about meditation what to do, where to do, when to do, how to do. And It is obvious for beginners.  There are thousands of techniques to do meditation but what is your purpose that matter most. Which meditation technique is suitable for you and why you want to do that. Meditate according to the current need As I said there are multiple techniques for meditation. But here we will only talk about Number meditation. Why?, From my some of the friends, clients, relative