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Psychological effect of Spirituality

 "The happiness which comes from long practice, which leads to the end of suffering, which at first is like poison, but at last like nectar - this kind of happiness arises from the serenity of one's own mind." - Ved Vyas Spirituality has been a topic of interest for thousands of years, and it continues to be an important part of many people's lives. Spirituality can be defined as a sense of connection to something larger than oneself, such as a higher power, nature, or the universe. It can provide individuals with a sense of meaning, purpose, and direction in life, and can help to promote mental health and well-being. This essay will explore the psychological effects of spirituality, including its impact on mental health, stress, coping, and overall well-being. Impact of Spirituality on Mental Health Reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety: Studies have found that individuals who are more spiritual or religious are less likely to experience symptoms of depression a

Footslog through the Brahmatal

            Brahmatal is a beautiful and picturesque trek located in the heart of the Himalayas. This trek offers a unique combination of breathtaking scenery, challenging terrain, and cultural diversity, making it one of the most popular treks in the region. The trek begins at the base camp, Lohajung, which is well connected by road from the nearby towns of Rishikesh and Haridwar. From here, the trail takes you through dense forests of oak, rhododendron, and deodar trees, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. As you progress higher, you'll encounter several small villages where you can interact with the local people and learn about their way of life. Journey Begins....          24th December, 2022.....yes ending days of 2022 & it was vacation time. We reached to railways station of Ahmedabad in the morning by 10:12AM. Yoga Express has been departed by 10:50AM. It was the thrilling moments for all of us as it was beginning of great adventure. All were in ful

Life is a Journey

  " Life has some meaning; find it and live it." Meaning of LIFE !!! LIFE ...The significance of life is maybe one that we would prefer not to solicit, inspired by a paranoid fear of the appropriate response or scarcity in that department.  Still today, numerous individuals accept that we, mankind, are the making of an otherworldly substance called God, that God had a keen reason in making us, and that this savvy design is "the significance of life".  I don't propose to practice the different contentions for and against the presence of God, and still less to agree with a particular stance. In any case, regardless of whether God exists and regardless of whether He had a savvy reason in making us, nobody truly realises what this reason may be, or that it is particularly significant.  The Second Law of Thermodynamics expresses that the entropy of a shut framework, for example, the universe increments up to where harmony is come to, and God's motivation in makin

Bhakti (Devotion) in Bhagavad-Gita

  What is Bhakti & BhaktiYoga? Bhakti suggests commitment, association, steadfastness or dependability. From a severe viewpoint, it suggests love, love, or obligation to God or an object of affection. Bhakti marg infers the method of responsibility, and bhakti yoga infers the state of dedication and the demonstration of obligation to accomplish affiliation or solidarity with the object of adoration, which is, for the most part, God or an individual god. From a powerful viewpoint, bhakti infers excellent love for God, which in the end completes in osmosis in God. The possibility of bhakti has its hidden establishments in the Vedic mollifying capacities. Bhakta was what was offered, relinquished, secluded and dispersed, and bhakti insinuated the exhibition of offering. It was a reference to appeasing commitments, animal and human repentances.  Bhakti Yoga is a Sanskrit word; Yoga implies association; the solitary English word that can do equity to the word Bhakti is maybe "Love,

Don't be Struggler, Be Warrior !!

  "The path of the Warrior is lifelong, and mastery is often simply staying on the path."  - Richard Strozzi Heckler Around the world, if we look at the people narrowly, we will found that the majority of people struggling for one thing or people to another. When he or she wakes up early in the morning and eventually go to bed at night, everything seems struggling for him or her. Life is a journey, one has to earn everything by hard efforts like warriors do. JUST DO IT/ A WARRIOR ACTS RATHER THAN TALKS Life of warriors is the full responsibility of everything even minor act happens in his life. The life of warriors teaches us to action is more powerful than speaking about action. It is already experienced by thousands of people that saying and doing both are different things. We speak many things to do but when we actually perform we fail. It happens, and it is normal if we fail than not doing anything. ACTS GIVE US CONFIDENCE WHICH ALLOWS US TO CLAIM KNOWLEDGE AS POWER. The

End the Life With Empty Mind

  "You can only empty your mind by using all you have."         

Meditation for Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Body is manifested with these dosas. Meditation enables lessening to pressure, advance concentration just as assist people with being increasingly cognisant and mindful of their brain and itʼs conduct.  While figuring out what Meditation is best for an individual a specialist ought to consider  3 dosha - Vata, Pitta and Kapha  3 gunas  - Sattva,  Rajas,  Tamas Consider the hypothesis of comparative and not at all like assistance bring the brain back in balance.  A vata mind is ruled by the air quality and is about development so they will in general get intellectually ungrounded, dispersed, on edge or spacey when out of parity.  They should rehearse Meditations that help keep them grounded, upgrade strength, and assist them with discharging pressure and remain centered. All contemplations  help vata in some useful manner yet some specifically like TM, Zen, and Yoga Nidra are all the more quieting and can help facilitate a vata mind.  Trees and mountains are strong, established, gritty,

5 States of Mind

Chitta is one of the four parts of consciousness. The part of Chitta takes into account subjectivity, one's passionate response, influenced by what it sees and its own tendency. For instance, on the off chance that a severe taste influences one contrarily, at that point one's view of an unpleasant tasting organic product will be negative. The other three parts of the mind are manas (seeing psyche),  buddhi (insight) and ahankara (self-image). The 5 states of mind in which  consciousness  lies are: Kshipta –  Distracted mind Mudha –  Dull or Lazy state of mind Bikshipta –  Partially focused mind Ekagra –  one-pointed mind Niruddha –  Fully absorbed mind 1. Kshipta – Distracted Mind Kshipta or dissipated is the least and most basic condition of the psyche which shows during waking hours. This state is ruled by the "rajas" guna due to the most time in waking hours associated with some physical or mental action.  Right now, an individual shift